January 2024 Community Newsletter
Happy New Year!
We hope the New Year is starting off well for everyone. Dues and budgets were sent out in December. If you have not made payment, now’s your final chance to do so or set up payment arrangements before late fees are assessed. We’re currently wrapping up the year-end taxes and will send out the year-end financial with notices for the annual meeting shortly. You should also see groundwork already going on the pool area. Our plan is for it to be open this summer. We’ll provide some updates as work gets further along.
New Website Access Portal
If you have not already registered on our new site, we hope you will soon. Brighton is constantly looking for new ways to improve the services provided to our communities. We are committed to providing our residents a superior level of service. With this in mind, we are excited to announce our new website access portal and mobile app. By going to https://brightoncorp.cincwebaxis.com/, you’ll be able to create a login and start viewing your account balance, make payments, and sign up for e-statements.
Snow Removal
We appreciate all of you being patient and working with neighbors to help with the snow. Please remember not to push snow into the streets and try to keep street drains clear for runoff. The Association will clear snow at 2″ around the mailbox structures for the postal carriers.
Holiday Decorations
As we move into February, please make sure your holiday lights and decorations from Christmas are removed.
Upcoming Events
If you have any ideas for future events, or want to volunteer to help out, please reach out to Lauren Brown, Lifestyle Director.