September 2023 Community Newsletter
Community Events
Let your neighbors know to sign up for emails on the upcoming community events. There’s a pumpkin trailer coming out October 2nd, so you’ll want to stay informed.
Back to School
School is back in session. Please be sure to slow down, and be watchful of kids crossing the streets headed to and from school. Parents, please make sure kids know where the best crossing locations are.
Fall Landscaping
It’s time to start trimming shrubs and trees that are growing into or over sidewalks and streets. Sidewalks should be clear for passage up to 8ft in height, and streets up to 14ft in height. It’s also time to start watching for leaves to drop. Please try to clean these up regularly so they are not left to blow all into your neighbor’s yards.
Irrigation Water
Water is anticipated to shut off by October 10th, so get your last bit of watering in now.
Upcoming Events
October 2 – Helms Pumpkins